Our Features
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Asset profiling
One of the many advantages of Maintabase operating in the cloud is the storage space available. Maintabase allows you to create ‘Virtual Profiles’ of each physical…

Maintabase uses a traffic light system for all your maintenance items to ensure you’re aware of upcoming and overdue tasks. Review, assign and plan all of your maintenance…

Cloud based
Maintabase operates ‘in the cloud’, which frees up your business from capital and operational IT expenses related to security, hardware and dedicated servers. Assured by…

Remote monitoring
By installing our Network Hour Meter (which is a remote monitoring device), users know immediately when a machine is due for maintenance. This makes it easier…

QR code creation
Users can create bespoke QR codes to stick on each asset with the click of a button. Once scanned, the user will be taken directly to the Asset Profile of that piece of equipment…

Maintabase users can add other users to their account as guests to share important asset information and tasks with them. This allows for better collaboration between…